Flutter Developer

Flutter developer

Flutter Developer


– 2+ Years experience with Dart&Flutter

– Design & implement new app modules based on the product requirements using Flutter framework.

– Maintain existing codebases.

– Build reusable code and libraries for future use.

– Integrate user-interfaces elements developed by other developers.

– Build user interfaces designed by UI/UX designers.

– Applies the SOLID principles every day

– Experience developing Unit Tests, and Integration tests in Flutter

– Have the “Clean code” (from Uncle Bob) as his bedside book


1. Design and Build sophisticated and highly salable apps using Flutter.

2. Translate and Build the designs into high quality responsive UI code.

3. Write efficient queries for core Data.

4. Use of Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-ViewModel-Controller (MVVM) architecture and developing maintainable, testable and functional software that meets product requirements.

5. Resolve any problems existing in the system and suggest and add new features in the complete system.

6. Follow the best practices while developing the app.

7. Use CI/CD for smooth deployment.

8. Document the project and code efficiently.

9. Manage the code and project on Git in order to keep in sync with other team members and managers.

10. Suggest new features and/or enhancements.

11. Maintaining software through product life cycle including design, development, verification and bug fixes.

12. Write tests for the App.

13. Knowledge of different state management libraries (BloC)


Bachelor’ s degree in Computer Science or Engineering/related field

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